

Showing all 12 results


HU 24-D885742

Norbert Tűri Roger Vereecke line.

Category Marathon

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Last bid Pigeonpea99
32.000 HUF
(80 €)


HU 24-D883112

Norbert Tűri. Inbred New Remy: New Remy: 1. Nat. Barcelona '14 8.764 d 87th Nat. Cahors 8.348 d Blood line from: Jef: 1st International Barcelona 2019 Red Ace: 1st National Ace Pigeon KBDB Eld 2016 2. Nat. Narbonne 22nd Nat. Barcelona 2. Prov. Narbonne '15 New Laureate: Golden Wing Winner Super Barcelona Racer 2011-2013 Winner of: Barcelona 2013 1st National 10,685 p 1st Int. Nat. 25,382 p Barcelona 2012

Category Marathon

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Last bid Tobi
30.000 HUF
(75 €)


HU 24-D885732

Norbert Tűri Father: Original Van Reeth Rudy. Dirk Van Den Bulck Super Sprint line. Mother: Daughter Olympic Leoke. Olympic Leoke: 2. young acebird MD Vorselaar 2012. Co-winner 1st champion MD Vorselaar 2010. Mother sister: HU 15-D925880 Olympic Leoke Kain: 4th 3245 pigeons 264,2 km 5. 2322 pigeons 477,4 km 5. 672 pigeons 355,4 km 6. 540 pigeons 371,4 km 7. 1914 pigeons 419,5 km 8. 3423 pigeons 264,2 km 10. 1056 pigeons 317,4 km 12. 1574 pigeons 419,5 km TOP 10 racing 0,74 %

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Last bid Mpigeon97
30.000 HUF
(75 €)


HU 24-D885417

Norbert Tűri. Father: Original Anton Ruitenberg 100% Gaby Vandenabeele Bliksem x Wittenbuik line. Bliksem: 1st Provincial Poitiers 1,448 p 2nd Provincial Chateauroux 4,662 p 4th Provincial Ruffec 1,778 p Wittenbuik: 1e Angouléme 2,450p. 1e Limoges 2.309p. 1e Poitiers 2.713p. 2e Poitiers 1.435p. Dam: Inbred Rudy. Original Roger Debusschere. Double grandchild to Rudy, (g.) father to 1st Nat. ace LD YL KBDB 2013 (Super Romeo) 1st Nat. ace GMD KBDB YB 2015 (Jespers- VDWegen) 3 different 1st National winners 100% Gaby Vandenabeele.

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Last bid wild boar
26.000 HUF
(65 €)


HU 24-D885731

Norbert Tűri Dirk Van Den Bulck line. Father: Grandson Kittel. Kittel: 1st Nat Ace KBDB 2013. Mother: Original Van Den Bulck. Golden Vale x Brodie: Half sister to 17 Jillian winner of 1st Combine 2nd 282b 1st Section 1. 083b 1. Amal 513b 7. Fed 1. 012 Golden Vale is a super breeder and his childrens have bred winners all over the UK.

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Last bid postagalamb33
22.000 HUF
(55 €)


HU 24-D885433

Norbert Tűri 100% Clicque Gino Inbred Prince Rudy. Prince Rudy: National winners and Ace Pigeons 1st Nat. Limoges 14,575 p 1st Nat. and 1st Int. Nat. Agen Father: Grandchild Golden Prince. Won 1st Nat. Acepigeon KBDB LD and is grandfather to 2 x 1 Nat. Acepigeon KBDB LD + GMD.

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Last bid Lajos75
22.000 HUF
(55 €)


HU 24-D885403

Norbert Tűri Father: Original Koen Van Roy. Inbred "Turbo Magic" Turbo Magic: 1 NPO Strombeek 22.153 1 Duffel 15.489 3 Pommeroeul 24.949 Mother: Original TJ & J. Elzinga Granddaughter New Harry. New Harry wins: 1. Niergnies 14737 p. 1st Pt.St.Maxenc 12894 p. 1. Melun 1046 p. 9. Troyes 6390 p. 38th Blois 6613 p.

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Last bid Schneider
20.000 HUF
(50 €)


HU 24-D885408

Norbert Tűri Father: Original Vanhee & M. Brother of: 2. ace Algarve Great 2nd ace Algarve Great Winter Derby 2023 Son Billie Magic Atoom. Billie Magic Atoom: Super Ace Gerard line 1st National ace KBDB 2022 middle distance youngbird 0.77 % inbred Atoom, Stichelbaut Motta line Mother: Original Koen Van Roy Inbred Small Dirk: Little Dirk: 1st Nat. Ace pigeon Netherlands 1st Nat. Troyes 17.883 1 Nat. Bourges 7.155 1 Maaseik 3.522

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Last bid 1999
20.000 HUF
(50 €)


HU 24-D884804

Norbert Tűri. Inbred New Remy. New Remy: 1. Nat. Barcelona 8,764 birds 2014 87th Nat. Cahors 8,348 birds 2012 Blood line from: New Laureate: Golden Wing Winner Super Barcelona Racer 2011-2013 Winner of: Barcelona 2013 1st National 10,685 p 1st Int. Nat. 25,382 p Barcelona 2012 Annemarie: 1st Nat. Marseille ZLU 4,901 p '14 1st prize Marseille (ZLU) SNZH 1st Int. Nat. Marseille hens 2. Int. Nat. Marseille 12,158 p. De Barcelona: 1st Nat. Barcelona 2010/ 7.016 p. 5th Int. Nat. Barcelona 2010/25.821 p.

Category Marathon

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Last bid Misu2000
20.000 HUF
(50 €)


HU 24-D885435

Norbert Tűri Blood line from: Little Star: 1. Nat. Acepigeon GMD yearlings KBDB 2015 Luc: 1st Nat. Argenton 12.446 p. Queen James: 5th Nat. Ace KBDB LD 2017 Prima Dora: 1st Nat. Bourges 18.864 p. Gladiator: 2nd Olympic pigeon Porto 2005, 3. Nat. Acepigeon KBDB 2004 New Freddy: 1st Nat.Acepigeon KBDB Gr MD 2010 Super Racer 261: 1. 4.379p. 319 km 1. 4.016p. 543 km 1. 2.345p. 261 km 1. 2.111p. 370 km 1. 1.934p. 169 km 1. 1.906p. 262 km 1. 1.491p. 342 km 1. 1.386p. 366 km

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Last bid Misu2000
20.000 HUF
(50 €)


HU 24-D884853

Norbert Tűri. Inbred Mr. Performance. Mr. Performance: Top 10 racing 0,48 % 1. 6090 p. 2017. Fastest 13976 p. 264,259 km Fastest 14042 p. Royal Derby (264.259 km) 1st 3754 p. 264.259 km 1st 1914 p. 419,517 km 1. 672p. 355,407 km 2. 466 p. 367,188 km 4. 2851 p. 137,193 km 6. 3092 p. 395,227 km 12. 1639 p. 212,701 km 15. 2458 p. 395,227 km

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The auction has not yet been bid on.


HU 24-30-71731

Norbert Tűri. Inbred Chico. Chico: Orig. Verbree. Directly to the breeding loft, one of the last sons from Olympic-Zigo super breeder. Blood line from: Mr. Performance: Top 10 racing 0,48 % 1. 6090 p. 2017. Fastest 13976 p. 264,259 km Fastest 14042 p. Royal Derby (264.259 km) 1st 3754 p. 264.259 km 1st 1914 p. 419,517 km 1. 672p. 355,407 km 2. 466 p. 367,188 km 4. 2851 p. 137,193 km 6. 3092 p. 395,227 km 12. 1639 p. 212,701 km 15. 2458 p. 395,227 km

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Last bid laci
20.000 HUF
(50 €)