

Dear Sportsmen and Sportswomen!

In our current auction we are selling marathon distance pigeons, the offspring of parents who have flown in some of the world's most famous races. They have an extremely high genetic value in terms of bloodlines. These sensational pigeons are sired by Dutch and Belgian marathon racers, including Polder, Sarloos, Meirlaen Etienne, Jellema...

Among the ancestors are:

SPECIAL ONE: 1. Int. Barcelona 19,083 p '15

LITTLE JADE :1. Int. Nat. Barcelona '14


1. Euro Diamond Award
1. Int. Nat. Ace pigeon all flights '16-'17
1. Int. Nat. Ace pigeon Perpignan '16-'17
1. Nat. top pigeon fund level 2 years zlu
2. Nat. Ace pigeon all flights '16
4. Nat.Ace pigeon all flights '17
5. Nat. Perpignan '17
5. Int. Nat. 14,930 p

1. Nat. Marseille ZLU 4,901 p '14,
1. prize Marseille (ZLU) SNZH,
1. Int. Nat. Marseille hens.

1. Nat. St. Vincent 32,149 p '05.
7. Nat. St. Vincent (S2) 6,345 p. '04.

NEW LAUREAAT= Golden Wing Winner
Super Barcelona Racer 2011-2013
Winner of: Barcelona 2013
1. National 10.685 p
1st Internat. 25.382 p
Barcelona 2012

1. Int. Narbonne 12605
1. Nat. Narbonne 6428
11. Nat. Narbonne 6330
13. Int. Narbonne 13335
52. Nat. Montauban 9091
2. Nat. Ace Pigeon 2011
Cat. E. L. D. Europe Cup Dortmund
2nd Olympiad Pigeon Continental Cup Budapest 2012 E. L. D.

Showing all 8 results


HU 24-30-71563

Norbert Tűri. 100 % Jan Polder Father: Son Annemarie. Annemarie: 1st. Nat. Marseille ZLU 2014 4.901 p. 1st. prize Marseille (ZLU) SNZH 1st. Internat. Marseille hens 2nd. Internat. Marseille 12.158 p. Grandson Victoria. Victoria: 1st. Nat. St. Vincent 32.149 p. 2005 7th Nat. St. Vincent (S2) 6.385 p. 2004 Mother: Daughter Dieseltje. Dieseltje won herself 11 marathon pizes. Including 4 times Barcelona. 1st Barcelona and 1st Perpignan in combine 2014 and 1st Ace Pigeon Marathon. Dame to 1st National Ace Pigeon 2017-2018=> Black Warrior (6 out of 6) Also granddaughter Victoria, 1st and 7th Nat. St. Vincent.

Category Marathon

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Last bid odabis
42.000 HUF
(102 €)


HU 24-D876594

Norbert Tűri. Blood line from: 969 x 970: Original Robin Bakhuis Special couple. Brother x sister the win together: 1e Nat. Cahors 2022 8.333p. Fastest pigeon from Holland. 21e NPO Limoges 2022 1e Ace pigeon Pipa Olympic Romee: Original Jelle Jellema Romee winner of: 1 Olympic Marathon Budapest 2015 3 Nat. Bergerac 2013 10327p. 3 Nat. Orange 2013 4302p. 3 NPO St. Vincent 2013 1365p. 5 Nat. Brive 2014 7261p. 6 NPO Aurillac 2012 3072p. Romee mother of Romy 3. Nat. Barcelona 2019.

Category Marathon

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Last bid Tobi
30.000 HUF
(73 €)


HU 24-D881932

Norbert Tűri. 100 % Jan Polder Father: Son Annemarie. Annemarie: 1st. Nat. Marseille ZLU 2014 4.901 p. 1st. prize Marseille (ZLU) SNZH 1st. Internat. Marseille hens 2nd. Internat. Marseille 12.158 p. Grandson Victoria. Victoria: 1st. Nat. St. Vincent 32.149 p. 2005 7th Nat. St. Vincent (S2) 6.385 p. 2004 Mother: Daughter Dieseltje. Dieseltje won herself 11 marathon pizes. Including 4 times Barcelona. 1st Barcelona and 1st Perpignan in combine 2014 and 1st Ace Pigeon Marathon. Dame to 1st National Ace Pigeon 2017-2018=> Black Warrior (6 out of 6) Also granddaughter Victoria, 1st and 7th Nat. St. Vincent.

Category Marathon

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Last bid size81
28.000 HUF
(68 €)


HU 24-30-71595

Norbert Tűri Inbred Monar. Monar: 1st Int. Narbonne 12605 1st Nat. Narbonne 6428 11th Nat. Narbonne 6330 13. Int. Narbonne 13335 52. Nat. Montauban 9091 2. Nat. Ace Pigeon 2011 Cat. E. L. D. Europe Cup Dortmund 2nd Olympiad Pigeon Continental Cup Budapest 2012 E. L. D.

Category Marathon

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Last bid Big picture
22.000 HUF
(53 €)


HU 24-30-71585

Norbert Tűri. Blood line from: Special One: 1. Int. Barcelona 19,083 p '15 Little Jade: 1st Int. Nat. Barcelona '14 Romee: 1st Olympiad winner Marathon '15 1st Int. Marathon Racer Europe Cup '13 New Laureate: Golden Wing Winner, Super Barcelona Racer 2011-2013 Winner of: Barcelona 2013 1st Nat. 10,685 p 1st Int. Nat. 25,382 p Barcelona 2012 Best of Belgium: 1st Prov. E.L.D. '17 1st Nat. Ace E.L.D. 4. Ace Long Distance Yearling KBDB 2017 Distance National '17 Agen 2017

Category Marathon

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Last bid Fishermen
22.000 HUF
(53 €)


HU 24-D876592

Norbert Tűri Inbred Monar. Monar: 1st Int. Narbonne 12605 1st Nat. Narbonne 6428 11th Nat. Narbonne 6330 13. Int. Narbonne 13335 52. Nat. Montauban 9091 2. Nat. Ace Pigeon 2011 Cat. E. L. D. Europe Cup Dortmund 2nd Olympiad Pigeon Continental Cup Budapest 2012 E. L. D.

Category Marathon

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Last bid Master123
20.000 HUF
(49 €)


HU 24-30-71551

Norbert Tűri 100% A. Saarloos & Zn. Inbred Blue Dusk. Blue dusk: 1st Euro Diamond Award 1st Int. Nat. Ace pigeon all flights '16-'17 1. Int. Nat. Ace pigeon Perpignan '16-'17 1st Nat. top pigeon fund level 2 years zlu 2. Nat. Ace pigeon all flights '16 4. Nat.Ace pigeon all flights '17 5. Nat. Perpignan '17 5. Int. Nat. 14,930 p.

Category Marathon

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Last bid Porkli
20.000 HUF
(49 €)


HU 24-30-71593

Norbert Tűri 100% A. Saarloos & Zn. Inbred Blue Dusk. Blue dusk: 1st Euro Diamond Award 1st Int. Nat. Ace pigeon all flights '16-'17 1. Int. Nat. Ace pigeon Perpignan '16-'17 1st Nat. top pigeon fund level 2 years zlu 2. Nat. Ace pigeon all flights '16 4. Nat.Ace pigeon all flights '17 5. Nat. Perpignan '17 5. Int. Nat. 14,930 p.

Category Marathon

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Last bid size81
20.000 HUF
(49 €)