Willy Daniels


Willy Daniels minden szezonban kiemelkedik a nemzeti szintű lenyűgöző eredményeivel.

He achieved a unique performance with two full siblings in 2016 and 2017. He won the 1st National Ace Pigeon Medium YLs KBDB title. Sara competed for the 2016 title and it was her full sister Nadine who won the 2017 title.

National and provincial first prizes over the years:
1st National Argenton in 2008 out of 5,252 gallons
1st National Chateauroux 2015 out of 18,604 gallons
1st National Chateauroux in 2015 out of 5,886 gallons
1st National Chateauroux in 2016 out of 9,505 gallons
1. International Prov. Vierzon 2017 from 4,854 gallons (and fastest from 13,031 gallons)
1. National Pigeon Pigeon Medium Term YLs in 2016 KBDB
1st National Champion Intermediate YLs 2016 in KBDB
1. National Pigeon Pigeon Medium Term YLs in 2017 KBDB

BE11-6140876 Nikki:
1st National Chateauroux from 18,604 gallons in 2015
4. Provincial Vierzon from 10,480 gallons
382. Provincial Bourges of 2,663 galams
116. Provincial Vierzon from 2,196 galams
33rd National Bourges from 22,663 gallons

BE15-6034008 Sara:
1. National Pigeon Middle Distance in 2016 KBDB
28. National Bourges I 478 km 19,889 galambb
45th National Argenton I 555 km from 18,363 gallons
2nd National Argenton 555 km from 12,449 gallons
32. Nemzeti Châteauroux 526 km 9,540 galambból

BE16-6064083 Nadine:
1. National Pigeon Middle Distance in 2017 KBDB
3. National Argenton I 555 km from 22,712 gallons
14. Nemzeti Zóna B1 Châteauroux I 526 km 8,584 galambból
8. Nemzeti Châteauroux III 526 km 4,389 galambból
120th National Châteauroux II 526 km from 14,955 gallons

Nadine, named Selin, was bought by a Chinese fan for a record 400 000 euros.

Willy szerint a tyúkok tartása kevésbé munkaigényes és kevésbé zavaró. Elmagyarázza, hogy miért:
- Training is only once a day and training is less important than for males
- In attic houses they are placed in front of the attic or locked in their boxes at night
- They perform better than males

Willy's only criteria is the basket; a good quality collection is all that matters in our sport. It takes a lot of competition and stringent requirements to get a top class group of pigeons, and this is especially true in limited space pens like this one. Willy does not allow any pigeons other than the talented pigeons in the dough to appear.

Willy has always achieved great results with a small number of pigeons.

Showing all 9 results


HU 24-30-71661

Norbert Tűri Father: Original T. & M. Lecke Grandson AD. Marcel Wouters AD: 1st Olympia Pigeon Cat. B for Belgium Mother: Inbred Nephew Sara. Nephew Sara: Original Willy Daniels. Father is a nephew to Sara & Nadine 1. Nat. acebird great middle dist. KBDB 2016 1st Nat. acebird great middle dist. YL KBDB 2017 Nadine was sold for 400,000 Euro as most expensive pigeon ever in the world.

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Last bid Derby72
22.000 HUF
(53 €)


HU 24-30-71663

Norbert Tűri. Blood line from: Witkopje:Fantastic 2x1.massive winner 1. Quievrain 2,783 birds/ 2. prov. 10,538 birds, 1st Boxtel 2,510 birds/ 3. prov. 7,590 birds. National 1: 1st National H Category 2016 1st National A Category 2017 1st National B Category 2017 1. 1200 pigeons 330.260 km 1. 1010 pigeons 380.366 km 1. 1109 pigeons 330.260 km Nephew Sara: Original Willy Daniels. Father is a nephew to Sara & Nadine 1. Nat. acebird great middle dist. KBDB 2016 1st Nat. acebird great middle dist. YL KBDB 2017 Nadine was sold for 400,000 Euro as most expensive pigeon ever in the world. Nikki:1st Nat.Chateauroux 18,604p. '15

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HU 24-D881988

Norbert Tűri. Inbred Nephew Sara. Blood line from: Nadine & Sara: 1. Nat. acebird great middle dist. KBDB 2016 1st Nat. acebird great middle dist. YL KBDB 2017 Nadine was sold for 400,000 Euro as most expensive pigeon ever in the world

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Last bid Master123
20.000 HUF
(49 €)


HU 24-30-71656

Norbert Tűri Inbred Nephew Sara. Willy Daniels line. Nephew Sara: Father is a nephew to Sara & Nadine 1. Nat. acebird great middle dist. KBDB 2016 1st Nat. acebird great middle dist. YL KBDB 2017 Nadine was sold for 400,000 Euro as most expensive pigeon ever in the world

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Last bid Master123
20.000 HUF
(49 €)


HU 24-30-71662

Norbert Tűri Father: Original T. & M. Lecke Grandson AD. Marcel Wouters AD: 1st Olympia Pigeon Cat. B for Belgium Mother: Inbred Nephew Sara. Nephew Sara: Original Willy Daniels. Father is a nephew to Sara & Nadine 1. Nat. acebird great middle dist. KBDB 2016 1st Nat. acebird great middle dist. YL KBDB 2017 Nadine was sold for 400,000 Euro as most expensive pigeon ever in the world.

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Last bid Master123
20.000 HUF
(49 €)


HU 24-D881955

Norbert Tűri Strong inbred Nephew Sara. Willy Daniels line. Nephew Sara: Father is a nephew to Sara & Nadine 1. Nat. acebird great middle dist. KBDB 2016 1st Nat. acebird great middle dist. YL KBDB 2017 Nadine was sold for 400,000 Euro as most expensive pigeon ever in the world

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HU 24-D881952

Norbert Tűri Father: Original T. & M. Lecke Grandson AD. Marcel Wouters AD: 1st Olympia Pigeon Cat. B for Belgium Mother: Inbred Nephew Sara. Nephew Sara: Original Willy Daniels. Father is a nephew to Sara & Nadine 1. Nat. acebird great middle dist. KBDB 2016 1st Nat. acebird great middle dist. YL KBDB 2017 Nadine was sold for 400,000 Euro as most expensive pigeon ever in the world.

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Last bid Leleszi
20.000 HUF
(49 €)


HU 24-D881951

Norbert Tűri Father: Original T. & M. Lecke Grandson AD. Marcel Wouters AD: 1st Olympia Pigeon Cat. B for Belgium Mother: Inbred Nephew Sara. Nephew Sara: Original Willy Daniels. Father is a nephew to Sara & Nadine 1. Nat. acebird great middle dist. KBDB 2016 1st Nat. acebird great middle dist. YL KBDB 2017 Nadine was sold for 400,000 Euro as most expensive pigeon ever in the world.

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20.000 HUF
(49 €)


HU 24-D884855

Norbert Tűri. Blood line from: Prima Dora: 1. Nat. Bourges 18,864 p 1. Laon 430 p Inbred Hattrick: Bred from father x sister to Hattrick 1. Nat. YL & fastest Bourges 60,059 p Hattrick is full brother to 070/13 1. acebird middle dist. combine 1. acebird small long dist. combine Nikki: 1.Nat. Chateauroux 18,604 p. '15 Also brother 10th & 32nd Nat. winner Also brother to mother of 'Kaat' 1st Nat. Chateauroux YL 9,540 p. '16 9th Nat. Argenton YL 12,449 p. '16 Grandmother is '127 Hen', top racing hen 5. acebird great MD Union Antwerpen '13

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