New Remy line. New Remy: 1e Nat. Barcelona '14 8.764 d, 87e Nat. Cahors 8.348 d. New Witbuik line. New Witbuik: 1e Nat. Barcelona '12. Bonte Narbonne line. Bonte Narbonne is Grandfather: 9e Nat. Cahors, 18e Nat. Cahors, 18e Nat. Cahors, 36e Nat. Pau.
300.000 HUF
(759 €)
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- FATHER AND MOTHER LINE: NEW REMY LINE New Remy: Winner of 1. Nat. Barcelona - 8,764 birds 2014 87th Nat. Cahors - 8,348 birds 2012 Raced by Remy Speltdoorn & bought by Green Xiang The Barcelona performance of 'New Remy' was unique. He covered 1070 km of Barcelona in one day after racing 13 hours and 10 minutes flying time. Same lines as top aces - 'Remy' 1st Nat. acebird Rhone Valley 2013 (lowest coëff. ever) 1st best Belgium long distance racer 2013 (0.9733 %) 4th Nat. Montelimar - 5,952 birds 705 km 2013 / 1st prov. 550 birds 2013 6. Nat. Zone / 17th Nat. Orange - 3,874 birds 751 km 2013 1st prov. / 28th Nat. Marseille - 2,376 birds 870 km 2013 / 80th Int. 8,848 birds Raced by Remy Speltdoorn - 'Vale Marseille 1st Int. Marseille - 12,158 birds 2014 - 'St. Vincent Remy 1st Nat. St. Vincent - 2,562 birds 2016 - FATHER LINE: BONTE NARBONNE LINE Winner Barcelona Masters 24th Nat. Narbonne '11 97th Nat. Barcelona '10 302nd Nat. St. Vincent Grandfather: 9-18-18-36 national NEW WITBUIK LINE 1st Nat. Barcelona vs. 6.392 p. 6. Int. Barcelona vs. 25.320 p. Father of: 7. Nat. Cahors 1. prov. Perpignan 13. Nat. Perpignan 32. Nat. Agen
Guus van Aken. Rood. Grandson New Remy. New Remy: 1e Nat. Barcelona '14 8.764 d 87e Nat. Cahors 8.348 d Kld. New Witbuik! 1e Nat. Barcelona '12 Grandson Bonte Narbonne. Bonte Narbonne is Grandfather: 9e Nat. Cahors 18e Nat. Cahors 18e Nat. Cahors 36e Nat. Pau
Father is 'New Remy' 1. Nat. Barcelona 8,764 birds 2014 87. Nat. Cahors 8,348 birds 2012 Mother is d. Dream Pair DVV Pigeons 'Kleine Schoonen' x 'Van Gaver Hen Original P. & J. Roziers Co-breeding with Green Xiang