Tűri Norbert. Father blood line: Premier Selection: Half sister: Dark Force: 1. Combine White Treasure: 1.Club, 3.Combine Bourges '15 Wittekop Sylvester: Offsprings won: At Least 15x1. Prov. 1. I.Prov 2,576 p 2. Nat. Lim 17,498 p 2. Nat. Argen 5,208 p 2. Provincial 1,800 p 2. Nat.Ace bird BV Mother: Inbreed Rudy. Original Roger Debusschere. Rudy’ is father of super racers - ‘Super Romeo’ : 1. Nat. acebird long distance yearlings KBDB 2013 1. Nat. ace GMD KBDB YB 2015 (Jespers- VDWegen)
Eladva: 28.000 Ft
Áru állapota: Új
Az aukció véget ért!
A legmagasabb ajánlatot tett: KissDúc
Ajánlattevő neve | Licitálási idő | Ajánlat | Auto |
KissDúc | 2024-10-05 10:08 | 28.000 Ft (70€) |
lui | 2024-10-04 21:49 | 26.000 Ft (65€) |
KissDúc | 2024-10-04 10:02 | 24.000 Ft (60€) |
Gabi | 2024-10-02 22:28 | 20.000 Ft (50€) |
Aukció kezdési ideje: | 2024-10-02 18:00 |
- FATHER LINE: PREMIER SELECTION LINE Bred from father to Dark Force 069/15 1. Combine Sleaford 2,717 birds 1. Sleaford 220birds 4. combine 2,764 birds & 5 combine 2,411 birds Bred from mother to toppers like White Treasure 2x1 prize 656/14 winner 2x1 prize Double grandchild to Wittekop Sylvster Offspring won at least 15x1 provincial WITTEKOP SYLVESTER LINE Wittekop Sylvester: Offspring to ‘Wittekop Sylvester’ won At least 15x 1. provincial Best children are - ‘Super Willy’ 1. I.prov. Chateauroux – 2,576 birds (fastest 6,899 birds) 2. prov. Montlucon – 1,800 birds … 1. Toury – 307 birds Mother to winners 18. Nat. Argenton 25,583 birds, 18. Nat. Argenton 5,208 birds - ‘Wit Willyke’ 2. acebird LD Club Antwerpen … 3. Melun – 432 birds 9. prov. Chateauroux – 4,249 birds … 9. prov. Chatteauroux – 2,505 birds Mother ‘First Lady’, 2. Nat. youngster Belgium on 4 Nationals in 2008 - ‘Schoon Witpen Willy’ 4. prov. Chateauroux – 1,401 birds … 9. prov. Bourges – 3,456 birds 9. prov. Vierzon – 1,564 birds … 4. Noyon – 359 birds Mother to ‘Glamour’, 3. prov. 2,611 birds & winner 23.-72. National Mother to ‘Best Daughter’, 1. Nat. Zone & 2. prov. winner Grandmother to ‘Miss Argenton’, 1.-2.-3. prov. winner, 3. Nat. Argenton 6,177 birds Grandmother to ‘Lightning’, 9. Nat. Argenton - 6,177 birds Grandmother to ‘Acy’, Olympiad bird, 2. Nat. ace HMD YL KBDB & 1.-1.-2.-3.-3.-3. Zone Grandmother to ‘Porsche 911’, 5. Nat. acebird KBDB great MD YL 2015 (PEC) Grandmother to ‘Boxster’, 8. Nat. acebird KBDB long distance YL 2015 (PEC) - ‘Miss Limoges’ 2. Nat. Limoges – 17,498 birds … 2. prov. La Souterraine – 786 birds 5. prov. Chateauroux – 2,505 birds - ‘Willow’ 1. Noyon – 502 birds, 1. Quievrain – 161 birds Father to ‘Bonkje’, 1. acebird LD yearlings Union Antwerpen Father to ‘Den Bonk’, 26. Nat. Argenton - 19,782 birds Father to ‘De Salbris’, 2. prov. 623 birds & 11. Nat. Zone 2,038 birds - ‘Argento’ 2. Nat. Argenton – 5,208 birds 6. prov. Montlucon – 1,408 birds … 10. prov. Chateauroux – 2,500 birds Father ‘Little King’ 17. Nat. Bourges - 20,544 birds - ‘Miss Le Mans’ 1. prov. Le Mans – 329 birds Mother to ‘Bolleke’, 3. prov.-31. Nat. Zone-37. Nat. Zone-64. Nat. Zone - ‘Black & White’ 2. Nat. acebird ‘Belgische Verstandhouding’ 2008 8. Nat. Argenton – 5,208 birds … 49. Nat. Souillac – 7,315 birds Mother ‘Black Lady’ 2. Nat. Argenton - 16,383 birds, 9. Nat. Bourges - 14,598 birds - ‘Eénwitpen Willy’ Mother to ‘Blauw Vierzonneke’, 2. prov., 6. prov., 6. prov., 9. prov. winner Mother to ‘Iron Lady’, Winner 2x 1. prov. and winner 2.-3. National Mother to ‘Iron Star’, 1. prov. Chateauroux 2,412 birds, 43. Nat. Bourges 22,476 birds Grandmother to ‘Little Star’, 1. Nat. acebird great middle distance YL KBDB 2015 - ‘Black Sylvi’ 2. Nat. Zone Chateauroux - 3,270 birds DOLLE LINE Dolle: The “DOLLE” is the most famous Jan Aarden pigeon of all times. Thanks to its outstanding performance and particular stock value the "DOLLE" had become the best Long Distance pigeon in the world. In 1975 the "Dolle" was transferred to the stock loft and destined to stay there. Meanwhile it had won a car for its owner and built up an impressive roll of honour. During its career the "DOLLE" was basketed 17 times and consequently won 17 prizes in long-distance races. The most important results of the “DOLLE” are : 1st Provincial St. Vincent 1.684 pigeons 980 km 3rd National St. Vincent 6.844 pigeons 980 km 1st Provincial Dax 1.032 pigeons 970 km 3rd National Dax 3.649 pigeons 970 km 9th Provincial Limoges 1.610 pigeons 650 km 12th National St. Vincent 6.917 pigeons 980 km 20th Provincial Chateauroux 2.176 pigeons 580 km 22nd Provincial Chateauroux 2.425 pigeons 580 km 39th Provincial Moulins 5.146 pigeons 590 km 59th Provincial Moulins 4.612 pigeons 590 km 66th National Dax 3.561 pigeons 970 km
Tűri Norbert. Premier Selection line. Premier Selection: Half sister: -Dark Force: 1/Combine -White Treasure: 1/Club, 3/Combine Bourges 2015. Wittekop Sylvester line. Worldclass Founder for Geerinckx Offspring Won: At Least 15x1.Prov 1/I.Prov 2576 b 1/Noyon 502 b 1/Provincial 329 b 1/Toury 307 b 2/Nat. Lim 17498 b 2/Nat. Argen 5208 b 2/Provincial 1800 b 2/Nat.Ace bird BV Dolle line. The most important results of the “DOLLE” are : 1st Provincial St. Vincent 1.684 pigeons 980 km 3rd National St. Vincent 6.844 pigeons 980 km 1st Provincial Dax 1.032 pigeons 970 km 3rd National Dax 3.649 pigeons 970 km 9th Provincial Limoges 1.610 pigeons 650 km 12th National St. Vincent 6.917 pigeons 980 km 20th Provincial Chateauroux 2.176 pigeons 580 km 22nd Provincial Chateauroux 2.425 pigeons 580 km 39th Provincial Moulins 5.146 pigeons 590 km 59th Provincial Moulins 4.612 pigeons 590 km 66th National Dax 3.561 pigeons 970 km
Original Roger Debusschere. Double grandchild to Rudy, (g.) father to 1. Nat. ace LD YL KBDB 2013 (Super Romeo) 1. Nat. ace GMD KBDB YB 2015 (Jespers- VDWegen) 3 different 1. National winners 100% Gaby Vandenabeele.