BE 15-6287995


Tenyésztő Van Reeth Rudy
Tulajdonos Tűri Norbert
Kategória Rövidtáv

Van Reeth Rudy. Blauw witpen. Dirk Van Den Bulck line. Father of 348/18 at Jos Mechelen 1. prize 1,527 birds Father is 797 Son Kittel, topbreeder Direct children won at least 9x 1. prize He is son Kittel, 2x fastest +25,000 & + 17,000 1. Nat. acebird KBDB speed 2013 & one of the best current breeders worldwide Mother is Dikke Duivin 374, (g.)mother 3x 1. She is sister to father Miracle VD Bulck 7. Nat. acebird speed YB KBDB 2017 1. acebird Tienverbond YB 2017 from Brother Goede Rode x Dikke Duivin

400.000 Ft
(1000 €)


Cikkszám: BE 15-6287995 Kategóriák: , ,

Szem szín






- FATHER LINE: ZOON KITTEL LINE Zoon Kittel vader van: 1/1527-1/740-1/335- 1/293-1/1189-1/211- 1/222-1/405-1/245- 1/219-1/571-1/428- 4/813-4/317-4/606- 5/530-6/511-6/552- 8/465-9/323-12/900- 18/531-18/536- 19/775-20/199- 23/317-25/958- 27/808-29/1348- 32/1616-40/435- 41/542-45/604- 49/578-68/740- 73/768 BOLT LINE Bolt: 1. Nat. Asduif KBDB jonge 2012 2e 2707 d 3e 1881 d 7e 2507 d 8e 1701 d 12e 2131 d 15e 1914 d - MOTHER LINE: DIKKE DUIVIN LINE Dikke Duivin moeder van: 1/740-1/114-1/169- 7/682-19/775- 40/1142-67/958- 68/740 ZUS VADER MIRACLE LINE Zus Vader Miracle: 7. Nat. Asduif KBDB '15 BROTHER GOEDE RODE LINE Brother Goede Rode: Father of 7 first prize winners. Tienverbond ao 6272018/2010 (1 ° Ace pigeon Jo Qui 2010, 1 ° Ace pigeon Yes Qui 2011, 2 ° Ace pigeon old Qui 2012), 293992/2009 (1 ° Ace pigeon Jo Qui 2009, 2 ° Ace pigeon Yes Qui 2010, 66 pr on 4 years of which 35x per ten, 2x1 ° pr), 6293979/2009 (57 pr in 4 years of which 34x per ten, 1/990), 6293980/2009 (as a young PR 20 of which 14x per twenty inter alia 1/2143, 2/634, 3/642, 1/159, 12/1243, 3/211, etc.) 6269940/2011 (1 ° Ace bird yes Qui 2012, 1 ° Ace bird old Qui 2013, 51 pr on 3 years of which 9x per 100, 1/331, 1/340), 6254056/2012 (1 ° Ace pigeon Jo Qui 2012, 3 ° provincial Ace pigeon old 2013, 15 ° wet Ace pigeon speed old KBDB 2013, 37 pr on 2 years of which 8x per 100, 1/1213), 6254040/2012 (2 ° Ace pigeon Jo Qui 2012-> 1/2183), 6139807/2013 (1/391)



Heremans-V.D. Bulck. Blauw. Vader van: 1/1527-1/740-1/335- 1/293-1/1189-1/211- 1/222-1/405-1/245- 1/219-1/571-1/428- 4/813-4/317-4/606- 5/530-6/511-6/552- 8/465-9/323-12/900- 18/531-18/536- 19/775-20/199- 23/317-25/958- 27/808-29/1348- 32/1616-40/435- 41/542-45/604- 49/578-68/740- 73/768 G. V. Bij Joh. Donckers 4/2561-16/1409- 23/1141



Van Reeth Rudy. Blauw witpen. Moeder van: 1/740-1/114-1/169- 7/682-19/775- 40/1142-67/958- 68/740 Samenkweek V.D. Bulck. Zus Vader Miracle 7. Nat. Asduif KBDB '15 Bij Dirk VD Bulck Halfzus van 7x 1e prijswinnaars in Tienverbond Dubbele As 1 Asduif Blauwe As 1 Asduif 6293979-09  1-990 6293980-09  1-2143 6269940-11  1 Asduif 6254056-12  1 Asduif 6139807-13  1-391 6254049-12  2 Asduif
